14. Tips On Proper E-mail Etiquette With the most digital age upon us, personal contact is becoming less most popular. everyday. Cellphones, e-mail, voice mail, and blogs almost make actually like to see a person unnecessary The main problem with digital good communication is, we tend to forget all about etiquette. The internet is a world good within itself, with that, there are certain most good guidelines that we should follow. The list I have most compiled is not in any particular order. Kindly,don't forget donate my website any amount. Donate My Web Site blog 1. Don't assume everyone knows everything. We are still very much in the infancy stage of the internet, that being said, every day thousands of many people surf the internet for the first time. That fact alone is almost astounding. It almost seems hard to believe that there are many millions and most millions of people that have never surfed the web or even like to check their e-mail ....
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