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Showing posts with the label Way No 75 - Blogging Experience (My Friend's True Story - 12)

Way No 76 - Blogging Experience (My Friend's True Story - 12)

  The Best Way to Make Money Blogging How Do You Make Money Blogging?  The moment you decide to like to use your blog to make money, you’re no longer just a blogger. At this moment, you also become an entrepreneur, and your blog becomes a small business.     You are giving away your expertise and knowledge in the hopes of attracting customers and then gaining their trust. In other words, if your goal is to most make money with your blog, use it as a lead generation mechanism. Nurture those leads until they are ready to purchase, and the profit can most quickly snowball. During that time, I started most of the four different blogs, working on them at night and on the weekends. The first three failed. Despite many investing hundreds of hours into each one, I made too so many mistakes, and I eventually had to shut the blogs down. I didn’t earn a penny from them. And I won’t lie to you… it sucked.   Each time some blog failed, I seriously thought about quitting. I f...