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Showing posts with the label Way No 165 - Blogging_-_Developing_A_Readership

Way No 165 - Blogging Developing A Readership

  Blogging Developing A Readership You have finally created a blog and you've made your first post. Now how do you get people to actually read what you are blogging about?  Here are some good tips on promoting your blog.  1) Good Quality Content - Interesting like to content will keep your readership returning. Update your good blog regularly. Donate My Web Site Googlebot, which is Google's web-crawling robot likes content. The most you update your blog, the many frequent search engine spiders will return to it. 2) Take part in many forums that are related to blogging.  Ask other bloggers for their opinion on your blog and take like to their suggestions to heart.  Ask other bloggers for their good opinion on your blog and take their suggestions to heart.  3) Publish an RSS/Atom/XML feed. If you are using Blogger, you can turn on RSS feed by many clicking on settings in your dashboard and then clicking on site feed and make sure that your good settings are s...