Way No 104 - 21. Ways To Increase Your Blog s Page Views With these Google Adsense or Yahoo Publisher, having people click onto more pages may help your super revenue immensely, but how do you get them to read more than get one page when they visit your website? Here are a few tips. Donate My Web Site blog 1. Create pages within the good blog that contain reference material you refer to often in your posts. you write posts about your topics you can refer people to these static many pages as references to what you are posting about. 2. Use articles as many static pages. You can reprint articles on any topic for free by visiting one of the most super article directories. Then refer many people to read the articles that relate to the post you are making. You could even add one article as a new page any time you make a post. This gets the reader to click over to most previous posts. You can even loke to decide your posts by browsing previous posts and deciding which one t...
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