18. Simple But Highly Effective Ways To Make Money In Your Blog Blogging is just a must-have for every super internet marketer out there. You cannot rely just on the old techniques. I like to know nothing about making more money with your blog, then these 8 steps are for you. Donate My Web Site blog 1. Drive good traffic to your blog. The first step to creating more money from your blog is to drive traffic to it. Thus, you must learn how to optimize your super blog so search engines will index it. You can also use other good traffic generating tools such as article marketing, forum posting, etc. 2. Optimize your super blog name. Blog names, like any other fresh domain names, must have these characteristics in order to drive more traffic to your blog: Must contain relevant many keywords, contains good a maximum of 30 characters, easy to like to spell, easy to remember, and it must good communicate what the whole blog is all about. 3. Advertise on your good blog. ...
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