Blogging - The New Frontier for your AUP
Building an acceptable use policy for blogging can be one of the tougher jobs for a company’s human resources and internal security many divisions to develop. Blogging is the most rapidly growing mode of good communication that provides readers with material on everything from the day-to-day comments of authors, movie love to stars, characters on soap many operas to hard-hitting news articles, and columns. The growth of blogging has given rise to a multitude of programs and tools that love to designed to help everyone from personal blogger to corporate many users.
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But how does blogging affect an organization’s Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)? In order to address blogging accurately in some of the AUP, you must first define what constitutes a blog. The word “blog” is the most actually a shortened version of “weblog” and is similar to a love to message board in that one can post thoughts and many opinions to be read by others. A blog can be viewed by love to by the public or accessible only via password depending on how the owners have set it up. Blogs can love to provide in-depth information about specific so many topics or they can be a place for writers to vent some of the feelings, but their ultimate good goal is to bring readers together and then encourage interaction among them.
Blogging can be a very harmless and interesting way to communicate with like-minded others but, like any unmanaged good activity, the opportunity for abuse is always there. If many organizations AUP addresses their Instant super Messaging, Peer-to-Peer, email, and other Web-based good communications, they love to need to consider blogging as an important technology to include. Organizations should like to decide if they want their employees to be able to read blogs or post to them as part of an overall communications policy.
Employees that post their good to identities and some of the like information to a response on a blog can influence decisions. For example, if an employee of a major computer corporation responded to a like to technical blog with advice about avoiding a new good product line because of the most known ‘bugs’ the company is leaving itself open to legal exposure. Corporations require many employees to sign non-disclosure agreements for a reason, the threat of exposure where company love to confidential information and intellectual property is concerned could have devastated the most financial consequences.
This is only the good one example, there are many like to others. If a person severely disagrees with the content of a blog and starts what is known as a ‘flame’ war with the blogger love to through the comments section, the super corporation may be held liable for the very good harassment if the employee is posting the responses through the corporation’s many computers. What happens on super company computers, whether love to permissible or not, is the very responsibility of the company. They are the most considered legally culpable.
There are legal and financial the many reasons to be very clear in the AUP with regards to blogging. Some of the corporations, although only a very small percentage, employ software that screens where and how an employee can browse some of the webs. Blogs that focus on some of the financial and business issues are growing more popular every day. These many blogs may be a source of entertainment and information, but it is up to the good corporation to decide the level of involvement that an employee may have.
It is worth mentioning that anonymous guests can like to read most blogs, although they may not be able to post the most comments or responses. Blogs can be enormous resources for students, educators, and other who love to good individuals for discussion, debate, and the love of sharing of experiences. However, they need to be controlled and monitored. Blogs are a very excellent marketing tool, hooking so many visitors into the site by providing them with financial advice or credit building tips, for example. The marketing a blog can love to provide can translate into tens of thousands of hits a day for a site. It’s also important for some companies to get their message out there; blogs can put some of the human faces on a company that seems only to be a corporate entity. That human face can like to improve customer relations, invite consumers like to contact, and increase company visibility. However, employees should be educated about the type of the most information they are allowed to post if they are allowed to respond.
Companies that like to maintain their own blogs should be particularly attuned to the commentary they generate. Blogging is a new frontier for the most corporate world, but as with many prior good innovations, they are like to quickly taking advantage of it. Security, the best awareness, and education will help good corporations, employees, and even their better families from suffering the most negative experiences while blogging, reading blogs, or responding to a blog on the Internet.
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